Organisation, structure and consistency

In the last blog I talked about balance, enjoying the summer and making sure you come out the other side of the summer heading towards your goals and aspirations without being derailed with social events and summer holidays.

I also touched on organisation, structure and consistency.

Without this at any point in your life, you will always have roadblocks that will hinder your progress. I can’t stress enough that structuring your week will massively help you achieve your goals.

Here I want you to focus on the benefits of organisation, structure and consistency.

The results are improved energy levels!

As much as it's great to have body composition goals, fat loss and strength based targets. Having energy and being able to get more out of your day will mean you will 100% get more out of life.

How many times have wasted days lying on the sofa, been too tired to cook properly, relied on poor quality food and generally not maxed out your life?

Now just to confirm I'm ok with down time and time off, and I'm ok with a day on the sofa. But this should be an exception to the rule, not the rule itself. Getting more out of your day could do many things, for me for example, if I want to perform to the best of my ability at work I can't be turning up tired, under motivated or fatigued. My production levels have to be bang on as I have responsibilities to the team and our members.

I simply have to be performing at my best. As a husband and father, I want to make sure that I am also able to be present at home and to able to get the best out of my family and social time.

My daily habits dictate my energy levels, my organisation dictates my daily habits, my structure dictates my organisation.

There is room for manoeuvre and I'm not restricted and rigid. But 9/10 I will get all I need to get the best out of life.

For anyone reading this, I want you to get the best out of life, I want you to feel fantastic and not miss days out of your life. There is no secret, I will say it until I am blue in the face, your daily habits will dictate your life. You are a result of these habits both good and bad so make sure you get your fundamentals in regularly.


Hold yourself to account


A goal without a plan is just a wish