My trip to the Doctor …

I recently had blood taken. This was for my own research into my own body and its functions.

I am relatively healthy, have a good diet, I'm not overweight and generally have a good lifestyle.

All I was going to get was a positive result surely?

Well, I actually did get a lot of positive results, but I also got told my blood pressure isn't where it should be and that I had a gut bacteria issue that potentially could lead to ulcers if not treated.

A slight cause for concern as I am not a regular to the Doctors, far from it, but the information was good to have.

I got antibiotics for the gut thing, and the stress levels? Well, I suppose that comes as part of being a business owner, but for me I focus on things I can control and not what I can't. 

Try and not sweat the small things and all that jazz.

Easier said than done to be honest. I think when you are trying to build a business, the pitfalls and demands of that business can be overwhelming at times and maybe not as easy as it may seem.

The point here is, that I need to focus on what I can control and figure out if I am doing my absolute best in every aspect of my business and whether it grows or doesn't grow, that all I can do is in fact my best.

Whatever will be will be.

The gut issue which I mentioned could have crossovers from stress, and that was something I was surprised about.

The Doctor kept saying, “you are over 40 now, your body won’t always work the way it used to”

Now this is true, but in my mind a large part of the failures of our bodies come down to poor nutrition, lack of exercise, being overweight, smoking, high stress, lack of sleep and poor lifestyle management.

The vast majority of problems we all have are self-inflicted. Now don’t get me wrong, anyone at any age can become ill or have poor health, the fittest and healthiest people still die.

But my thoughts were, that I am ticking a large chunk of the boxes in relation to health and fitness. My diet is good, I train regularly etc etc. Stress is something i need to manage, but to be honest, any illness or ailments are likely to be hereditary or bad luck.

These are outwith my control. Too many times I see people in their 20s and 30s taking their health for granted. Well, if you’re doing that in your 40s+ then you need to think about where you see yourself in 5-10 years.

Better, worse or the same? Keep in mind if it's not better, then it's likely going to be worse.

My point here is, don't wait for a trip to the Doctors and a dodgy blood test to start making changes to your lifestyle. The risk if you do is that by then it might be really hard, or impossible to make a difference.

For me i want everyone to feel how I feel, energised, full of vigour and happy.

Now, I might have had a gut issue but that's resolved now. I've not buried my head in the sand thinking that everything is ok when my training is non-existent and my diet is shit.

This may be a wake up call for you, and if you find that you need to make changes then let me know and I will help you.

My job is to help as many people as possible have a long happy and healthy life.

Take your life back into your own hands and live your best life.


Holiday (and football) season


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